A century before the garlic begins to Infertility bowel disease -like illness in the medical use of garlic . However, recent studies garlic have cancer times that of the herb for heart disease, perhaps our progenitors could not discover .
garlic as a medicine |
There are two main components to a garlic eyamino eyalisina which is rich in sulfur acid other than the protein -based enzyme eyalinesa .
Eyalisina volatile compound wall which is only natural antibiotic medication . Eyalisina antibiotics so strong as it can be compared with penicillin .
The cook garlic eyalisina is lost , which is only found in raw garlic . It can be seen , there is no disease garlic effective healing .
Cholesterol :
in various studies the garlic you do not eat raw or cooked how it contributes to the effective control of cholesterol . Oxford University, one of the studies , a garlic pill every day to control your cholesterol entirely
For pregnant mothers :
One in every 10 people pregnancy mother's mother Preview Pre-eclampsia are having . The urine is emitted with the meat , it was the convulsions of pregnancy . London's Chelsea and Westminster Hospital pregnant mother of one of the studies was tested only garlic having, they can protect yourself from .
Garlic is also helpful in increasing the weight of the baby inside mother womb.
garlic good for pregnancy mother |
Antiseptic as :
Garlic is a natural antiseptic that only bacteria Murray infections , and infections of the body that is poisonous protects the body from poisoning . Research found garlic effective as penicillin .
Even those who regularly eat garlic , the blood is able to kill bacteria . Garlic Garlic is a wonder that more time for cutting of water into the air , it's all in the 20 cm bacteria killed.
Infertility removing :
Century ago for the men and infertility remove garlic huge rate for men was sufficient blood as medicine .
However, recent studies , the enzyme nitric oxide Synthesis name of the man primarily responsible for sperm. Synthesis of nitric oxide in the body of the garlic enzyme contributes to creating effective .
In addition, cancer , bowel disease , or a blood clot prevents metabolic terrific supporting role as garlic
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