We are usually a result of uncontrolled diet restoration is quite fat . However, we need to be aware to accept the food . Find out how you stay Slim .
- Eat six times a day .
- If you must go to sleep at 10 pm you have to take dinner at 8 pm .
- if possible walk 10-15 mins after eating.
- Do not eat much Sweet, cheese, chips and sweetness foods etc.
- Eat more fruits, vegetables and small fish.
- Eat plenty of milk and cheese.
- Eat food slowly. The inside of the mouth, may become more of the enzymes active , which helps lower food full stomach .
- Try to eat five fruit throughout the day . Gradually increase the number .
- Do not eat same fruits, curry or any foods everyday. All kinds of things were mixed . The right amount of nutrients . Annoyance will go away .
- Do not watch TV or listening to the radio, during the have breakfast lunch and dinner.
- Do not eat when you drive the car and standing up.
- Eat Various foods in sour , sweet , excess quantity of salt , bitter are all kinds
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