Saturday, October 12, 2013

How to control blood pressure without medication through 8 ways

Seven in every ten people originating from high blood pressure due to heart attack or stroke are at risk. The blood pressure increase due to whole day work in a place, lack of exercise and having excessive salts. Hypertension occurs due to excessive anxiety too. nursing blood pressure Some time the doctors give medication to their regularly who increases blood pressure. The hypertensive patients have to control their blood pressure with taking in a particular medication everyday. There is no way to not take medication those who people has much blood pressure always. But those who people’s up and down of the blood pressure all the time don’t take any medication for keeping normal blood pressure. Blood pressure can be controlled with some...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

How to cure gastric problem

Many people around you or you are affected gastric problem. Many people don't take a lot of food because of gastric problems. But we can not avoid gastric problems. The main reasons for gastric acidity digest problems, heartburn, etc. Pain may also be the cause of the gastric bacterial infection, food poisoning, kidneys stones, ulcer etc. Let us know how to get relief from gastric pain, some homemade medicines gastric problems Use lemon In a medium- sized lemon juice ejects the chip. Then lemon juice with half a table spoon baking soda and one cup of water mixed together. Move baking soda until well into the play button. Now drink the mixture should. If you continue drink, you feel comfort from the gastric problems. If you want to get...

Monday, October 7, 2013

garlic as a medicine in daily life

A century before the garlic begins to Infertility bowel disease -like illness in the medical use of garlic . However, recent studies  garlic have cancer times that of the herb for heart disease, perhaps our progenitors could not discover . garlic as a medicine  There are two main components to a garlic eyamino eyalisina which is rich in sulfur acid other than the protein -based enzyme eyalinesa .  Eyalisina volatile compound wall which is only natural antibiotic medication . Eyalisina antibiotics so strong as it can be compared with penicillin .   The cook garlic eyalisina is lost , which is only found in raw garlic . It can be seen , there is no disease garlic effective...

Women and Men infertility causes and treatments

When a couple is able to use birth control methods that do not stay together after more than one year and not making the child -bearing fails and then the childless couples in this situation a couple of sterile.    .  This infertility rate of 10-15 per cent . Sterile only problem is always the women . Women - both problems can be male . Study , 35 percent of the male workers , 35 percent of the cases, the woman responsible , responsible both for the 20 percent . On the other hand not sure 10 percent of the cases .  Male Infertility Because of sterile Every month the ovary emitted a ovary  from the wife . Reproductive age until the age of 45 years , but the 35 -year decrease in...

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Benefits of Drinking Water for Health in the Morning

The Health Benefits of drinking water  * Daily on an empty stomach in the morning drinking contaminated materials out of the blood and the skin is nice and bright .  Drinking water   * To sleep at night because we do not have a long-term process of digestion . we got up in the morning to help the digestion process, we should have taken at least one glass of water .   * Every morning before breakfast drink a glass of water, making new muscle cells to accelerate the process of formation .   * Every morning before breakfast and a glass of water, making new muscle cells to accelerate the process of formation .   * Every morning , at least 16 ounces of hot water drink good light metabalisama...

Benefits of ginger for health

Ginger is cured seven disease  Ginger is a natural spices . Ginger is a popular element in the whole world .Ginger have various medicinal properties . The ginger was used in ancient medicine as an alternative . Of vitamin A , C , E , B complex , magnesium , phosphorus , potassium , silicon , sodium , iron , zinc , calcium , and beta carotene are . Other medicinal qualities for a raw , dried , or juice you can drink it . Other uses 7 to get the medical home .  Ginger tea  Diabetes control   Ginger reduces the amount of blood sugar control in diabetes and expand the functionality of insulin . Those who have diabetes in the morning on an empty stomach with water mixed with the juice of one table spoon Other benefits...

How to reduce fat

We are usually a result of uncontrolled diet restoration is quite fat . However, we need to be aware to accept the food . Find out how you stay Slim .  Eat six times a day .   If you must go to sleep at 10 pm you have to take dinner  at 8 pm .   if possible walk  10-15 mins after eating.   Do not eat much Sweet, cheese, chips and sweetness foods etc.    Eat more fruits, vegetables and small fish.  Eat plenty of milk and cheese.  Eat food slowly. The inside of the mouth, may become more of the enzymes active , which helps lower food full stomach .  Try to eat five fruit throughout the day . Gradually increase the number .  Do not eat same fruits, curry or  any...

effect of soft drinks

Coca Cola  and Pepsi or more soft drinks that we eat less . How does it affect our body that we do not know it . Young generation  understand that drink is  sweet drinks, that means  lots of sugar with the water . But they do not understand how that 's awesome sequel ! The only additional sweep of the disease may be due to diabetes .  soft drinks Beware of sweet drinks !  Coke , Fhanta or the sweet drinks regularly drink men was fat , and that this additional weight reduction is quite difficult . Particularly in children and adolescents - adolescents in the case . Various fruit juice , tea , milk shake - at considerable quantities of sugar mixed with Get the weight,, the type 2 of diabetes - it is...

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