Saturday, October 12, 2013

How to control blood pressure without medication through 8 ways

Seven in every ten people originating from high blood pressure due to heart attack or stroke are at risk. The blood pressure increase due to whole day work in a place, lack of exercise and having excessive salts. Hypertension occurs due to excessive anxiety too.

nursing blood pressure
Some time the doctors give medication to their regularly who increases blood pressure. The hypertensive patients have to control their blood pressure with taking in a particular medication everyday. There is no way to not take medication those who people has much blood pressure always. But those who people’s up and down of the blood pressure all the time don’t take any medication for keeping normal blood pressure. Blood pressure can be controlled with some regular habits through awareness. Let it know how to control blood pressure without any medication in some way.

The sour yogurt

According to researchers at the University of the America’s Minosota who take just one cup of sour yogurt his high blood pressure can be reduced almost one third and become normal. According to researchers those who people take sour yogurt their level of bad cholesterol and blood pressure can be lower. In research found that who eat 120 grams sour yogurt every day about 15 years their high blood pressure decreases about 31% risk than others.

Jogging once in a week

If jogging at least one day a week in just one hour it possible to increase 6 years life. It is found that in Copenhegen city of heart Cardovasucular to study on 20,000 men and women within 23 to 93 ages. According to researchers, jogging increases the blood supply inside the heart and strong heart. Lowering blood pressure reducing the risk of stroke as well as the body is fresh and healthy.

Reduce salt intake

The density of blood vessels and increases the pressure eat too much salt. As a result increases blood pressure. It is not only the salt increases blood pressure but also eating processed foods. According to the association of blood pressure in salted cookies and readymade packing foods are 80 salts which we have breakfast in daily morning. So it would reduce the amount of salt in food everyday. It would reduce the amount of salt in food every day and quit the habit of eating food with excess salt .

Reduce Weight

Research found that reducing the weight of a few kg it is positive effect on the blood pressure. The activities are substantially increasing the weight of the heart and blood pressure. So always try to keep the weight under control.
Quit smoking
The effects of smoking adrenalin occurs nicotine inside the body. So increase the heart beat and blood pressure

Eat banana

A recent study in the British Medical Journal found that the potassium foods such as bananas eat decreasing trend of salt. So if eat banana everyday it possible to save thousands of lives every year. By eating banana to fill the lack potassium in the body and the body fluid balance is maintained. So the blood pressure is under control.

Less Work

According to a study at the University of California, if work more than 40 hours per week at the office the high blood pressure increase 14%. This also increases the risk of overtime work. Who works 51 hours per week their high blood pressure 29 % more than others. If excess work by sitting at the office whole day and do not get the time to do exercise and also it is pressed on the mind and it is eaten unhealthy foods. So keep some time to rest for yourself not to give excess time at the office.

Don't take excess tea and coffee

According to The North Carolin Duke University of Medical Center who drinks about 3 cups of tea or coffee their blood pressure goes up 3 points. The effects of sleep until night.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

How to cure gastric problem

Many people around you or you are affected gastric problem. Many people don't take a lot of food because of gastric problems. But we can not avoid gastric problems. The main reasons for gastric acidity digest problems, heartburn, etc. Pain may also be the cause of the gastric bacterial infection, food poisoning, kidneys stones, ulcer etc. Let us know how to get relief from gastric pain, some homemade medicines
gastric problems

Use lemon

In a medium- sized lemon juice ejects the chip. Then lemon juice with half a table spoon baking soda and one cup of water mixed together. Move baking soda until well into the play button. Now drink the mixture should. If you continue drink, you feel comfort from the gastric problems. If you want to get gastric pain relief with light lemon juice mixed in hot water. The pain can be reduced to a few seconds.

Natural tea

Different types of tea such as green tea, mint tea, basil leaf tea improves and solving the digestion and gastric problem

Tamarind leaf

The tamarind leaf blender with refined then all of tamarind juice mix with a glass of milk and drink it every day. If you continue gastric problems can be eliminated easily.

Drink plenty of water

There is no alternative to gastric problems with drink water. In response drinking plenty of water is not to acid in the stomach and increases digestion energy. So try to practice to drink at least 7- 8 glasses of water to drink every day. If you can reduce gastric problems within a few days.


natural medicine for gastric problem
The easiest solution is to get rid of the problem of domestic gas in the stomach is to eat ginger. After eating, having a piece of ginger juice with chewing. Then it would not be gas inside the abdominal and released gastric pain. Those who can not eat the ginger and use ginger to the cooking.

Green coconut water

Green coconut water and increases the ability of digest the food you eat can digest. If you drink water of green coconut regular, it will be released from the gas too. So if possible try to drink habits water of green coconut every day. Then it will be released from the gastric problem.

Potato juice

Make potato juice half of glass with blender then drink all of juice before meals. In the same way drink potato juice three times before meals, then in few days will be released from the gastric problem

Monday, October 7, 2013

garlic as a medicine in daily life

A century before the garlic begins to Infertility bowel disease -like illness in the medical use of garlic . However, recent studies  garlic have cancer times that of the herb for heart disease, perhaps our progenitors could not discover .

garlic as a medicine
 There are two main components to a garlic eyamino eyalisina which is rich in sulfur acid other than the protein -based enzyme eyalinesa .

 Eyalisina volatile compound wall which is only natural antibiotic medication . Eyalisina antibiotics so strong as it can be compared with penicillin . 

 The cook garlic eyalisina is lost , which is only found in raw garlic . It can be seen , there is no disease garlic effective healing . 

 Cholesterol : 

 in various studies the garlic you do not eat raw or cooked  how it contributes to the effective control of cholesterol . Oxford University, one of the studies , a garlic pill every day to control your cholesterol entirely 

 For pregnant mothers : 

One in every 10 people pregnancy  mother's mother Preview Pre-eclampsia are having . The urine is emitted with the meat , it was the convulsions of pregnancy . London's Chelsea and Westminster Hospital pregnant mother of one of the studies was tested only garlic having, they can protect yourself from . Garlic is also helpful in increasing the weight of the baby inside mother womb. 
garlic good for pregnancy  mother

Antiseptic as : 

Garlic is a natural antiseptic that only bacteria Murray infections , and infections of the body that is poisonous protects the body from poisoning . Research found garlic effective as penicillin . 

Even those who regularly eat garlic , the blood is able to kill bacteria . Garlic Garlic is a wonder that more time for cutting of water into the air , it's all in the 20 cm bacteria killed.

Infertility removing : 

Century ago for the men and infertility remove garlic huge rate for men was sufficient blood as medicine . 

 However, recent studies , the enzyme nitric oxide Synthesis name of the man primarily responsible for sperm. Synthesis of nitric oxide in the body of the garlic enzyme contributes to creating effective . 

 In addition, cancer , bowel disease , or a blood clot prevents metabolic terrific supporting role as garlic

Women and Men infertility causes and treatments

When a couple is able to use birth control methods that do not stay together after more than one year and not making the child -bearing fails and then the childless couples in this situation a couple of sterile. 

This infertility rate of 10-15 per cent . Sterile only problem is always the women . Women - both problems can be male . Study , 35 percent of the male workers , 35 percent of the cases, the woman responsible , responsible both for the 20 percent . On the other hand not sure 10 percent of the cases . 

Male Infertility

Because of sterile

Every month the ovary emitted a ovary  from the wife . Reproductive age until the age of 45 years , but the 35 -year decrease in the reproductive capacity . Reproductive age in the late ovary emissions may not be . Every month in the reproductive age of a woman's reproductive period is between 8-35 days . A regular menstrual women emissions . 

Sterile countless reasons 

The reasons for women being infertility - 
  • Ovary out from the ovary . ( Regular menstrual cases are emits ovary -15th  day of the menstrual
  • Ovary emissions before and after the hormone is secreted by certain rules .
  • If you have to oviduct ( could be a variety of reasons , such as - due to an infection of the uterus . ) 
  • If the uterus tumors 
  •  If genital tuberculosis The inner lining of the uterus 
  • uterine rupture within the oviduct , ovary or spread outside the uterus 
  • If you have uncontrolled diabetes 
  • When thyroid hormone varies 
  • Smoking , drinking
  • Additional weight

In case of men 

  • If you produce less sperm 
  • If the velocity of sperm motion 
  • If you are not a normal sperm shape
  • Sexual  disease carrier  
  • The age related  due to the low number of sperm .
  • The testicle began to hurt .
  • If the sperm out of the way . 
  • Smoking , drinking.
  • If you have diabetes or thyroid problems . 
  • Adjustable playing depression medication . 
  • If the extra weight . 
  • If the summer heat is continually working under tight wear using . 

The sterile treatment is time consuming . This treatment is a step-by- step . The initial stage of the husband - wife relationship that is both sterile. It is sterile know . Both are needed to test . There were a lot of children in our country sterile . So do not waste time with quack doctors and herbal medicine.Should go to a specialist doctor.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Benefits of Drinking Water for Health in the Morning

The Health Benefits of drinking water

 * Daily on an empty stomach in the morning drinking contaminated materials out of the blood and the skin is nice and bright . 
Drinking water 
 * To sleep at night because we do not have a long-term process of digestion . we got up in the morning to help the digestion process, we should have taken at least one glass of water . 
 * Every morning before breakfast drink a glass of water, making new muscle cells to accelerate the process of formation . 
 * Every morning before breakfast and a glass of water, making new muscle cells to accelerate the process of formation . 
 * Every morning , at least 16 ounces of hot water drink good light metabalisama 4 % increase in body weight and body . 
 * Daily on an empty stomach with a glass of drinking water is clean colon and the body can easily take nutrients from the food . 
 * Just one glass of water every morning, plays nausea , throat problems , menstrual problems , diarrhea , kidney problems , arthaitisa , headache , and will help to reduce disease .

More effective work for Drinking Water 

  • Drinking 2 glasses of water in the morning helps active internal organs. 
  • Drinking a glass of water before a meal will help in digestion. 
  • Drinking a glass of water before taking a shower helps prevent high blood pressure. 
  • Drinking a glass of water before bed helps prevent strokes or heart attacks.

Benefits of ginger for health

Ginger is cured seven disease 

Ginger is a natural spices . Ginger is a popular element in the whole world .Ginger have various medicinal properties . The ginger was used in ancient medicine as an alternative . Of vitamin A , C , E , B complex , magnesium , phosphorus , potassium , silicon , sodium , iron , zinc , calcium , and beta carotene are . Other medicinal qualities for a raw , dried , or juice you can drink it . Other uses 7 to get the medical home . 
Ginger tea

 Diabetes control 

 Ginger reduces the amount of blood sugar control in diabetes and expand the functionality of insulin . Those who have diabetes in the morning on an empty stomach with water mixed with the juice of one table spoon Other benefits of playing and controlling diabetes is . Ginger is also effective to solve various problems related to diabetes . 

 The stomach problems 

 Other carminative of the stomach and bowel problems in the cold . Ginger sithila stomach muscles and problems with gas . Other option is to remove bacterial diarrhea . Energy consumption has continued to increase digestion  can eat ginger during that time . Other times , the juice of food poisoning . It can easily stomach problems . 

 The heart problems

 Ginger is enjoying the long-term health of the heart . Ginger reduces cholesterol in the blood and the blood coagulation problems . This reduces the risk of heart problems . There are plenty of manganese , which helps keep the heart healthy . If you have a problem with heartburn burns from a cup of ginger tea taste . At the same time it will take comfort .

 Cold and flu

 Ginger plays regularly enhances the body's immune system . The cold , cold - coughing , etc. The problem is low . The realization of the anti- viral and anti viral elements . The day began cold several times, and try to eat ginger . I did not eat raw ginger ginger tea in them . Quite soon it will be cold . 

 Helps to prevent cancer 

 Ginger helps to prevent ovarian cancer . Misiganera University of ovarian and colon cancer research found that ginger reduces the risk of cancer . In addition, breast cancer , lung cancer , reduce the risk of cancer  Urine bladder Ginger is a natural element that is necessary . 

Severe migraine pain

ginger paste it stay up on the forehead . Other juice mixed with one table spoon or a glass of water, I can . If you want to get rid of a headache with some of these methods can follow . With a cup of ginger tea is compote some pain.

 Reduce cough problems 

 Cough problem those whose lives they put some pepper Chop all the time .It will not disturb the mucus whenever it get  ginger . Or ginger tea to ease the problem by eating mucus.

How to reduce fat

We are usually a result of uncontrolled diet restoration is quite fat . However, we need to be aware to accept the food . Find out how you stay Slim .
  1.  Eat six times a day . 
  2.  If you must go to sleep at 10 pm you have to take dinner  at 8 pm . 
  3.  if possible walk  10-15 mins after eating. 
  4.  Do not eat much Sweet, cheese, chips and sweetness foods etc.  
  5.  Eat more fruits, vegetables and small fish. 
  6. Eat plenty of milk and cheese. 
  7. Eat food slowly. The inside of the mouth, may become more of the enzymes active , which helps lower food full stomach . 
  8. Try to eat five fruit throughout the day . Gradually increase the number . 
  9. Do not eat same fruits, curry or  any foods everyday. All kinds of things were mixed . The right amount of nutrients . Annoyance will go away .  
  10. Do not watch TV or listening to the radio, during the have breakfast lunch and dinner.
  11.  Do not eat when you drive the car and standing up.
  12. Eat Various foods in sour , sweet , excess quantity of salt , bitter are all kinds  

effect of soft drinks

Coca Cola  and Pepsi or more soft drinks that we eat less . How does it affect our body that we do not know it . Young generation  understand that drink is  sweet drinks, that means  lots of sugar with the water . But they do not understand how that 's awesome sequel ! The only additional sweep of the disease may be due to diabetes . 
soft drinks

Beware of sweet drinks ! 

Coke , Fhanta or the sweet drinks regularly drink men was fat , and that this additional weight reduction is quite difficult . Particularly in children and adolescents - adolescents in the case . Various fruit juice , tea , milk shake - at considerable quantities of sugar mixed with Get the weight,, the type 2 of diabetes - it is likely to be too high. 

 Only 30 kg sugar in The soft drinks 

Six years of a child Fhanta the sweet water to drink through the year, about 5 kg of sugar in the body just is . Than 14 to 17 year old in the calculation of the up to 30 kg . Why the German Diabetes to help the school , kindergarten or nearby stores sweet drink sales ban to be . 

  Risk of diabetes 100%

Increases the rish of diabetes 22% with drink a glass of the sweet drink in daily. So experts have suggested  do not drink soft drinks.

 Artificial flavor 

In Coke , Fhanta and other drinks have artificial flavor and sugar. In fruit juice have mostly fruit juice instead of fruit, sugar and artificial flavor too . In Multivitamin juice too - if you have too much sugar in the drink of the thirsty to meet all of the juice is not a good solution . 

 Advice of experts 

Fruit juce
Parent should be informed about the hazards of drinking to their children from the early age. Because , when the extra fat is reduced it becomes very difficult . Timely attention to the many problems that can be solved automatically . 

 Fresh fruit juice 

Children of low- sugar drink mix instead of fresh water , tea without sugar and fresh fruit juice with frequent and excessive amounts of water may be mixed drink . Fresh fruit juice to drink every day , but sometimes not . 

 Changes Lifestyle 

Diabetes support of the efforts of diabetes on the a campaign is run . healthy life for the need , the nearby small stores sweet foods and drinks sold off , the whole hour exercise . Extra thick like a food or drink advertising in schools must be stopped . nutrient intake of fast food stores need to have a list of side dishes . 

 Watching TV is not the time to eat 

When the chips in front of the TV or with a meal of sweet beverages will reduce drink . Extra fat because adolescents - adolescents and diseases are not a problem , I have a lot of chances to become horrible , like experts .

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